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Brenk House Farm
Caravan Park


 Highland cow
Beltie bull likes water


We are currently farming around 340 acres on the North East side of the village of Coxwold. A large amount of the land consists of a black peaty soil which if left to nature would be a natural marsh only prevented from doing this by a very deep drainage system. On the eastern boundary runs a stream which stands about 2m above ground level for a distance of around a mile which was built many years ago to supply the lake at Newburgh Priory.

We have around 150 Spring calving Charolais cattle. We also have around 100 breeding ewes. We generally lamb in March and calve during February and March.

The remainder of the land is used to grow cereals, but also incorporating a stewardship scheme. This ten year undertaking involves re-planting almost 1/2Km of hedging, making 2m wild-life margins totaling over 9km in length, 6m margins to buffer watercourses totalling over 7.5km in length, and 10ha managed each year to create a suitable habitat for wild birds.

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